Jane Cranston

Jane Cranston DL has been a Deputy Lieutenant for Oxfordshire since 2018.   She convenes the group of DLs focused on the Vale of White Horse and is the Lieutenancy’s link to Kingston Bagpuize with Southmoor. She holds the Lieutenancy’s homelessness brief for the County.

Jane was previously a shareholder and director of wine agency Stevens Garnier for thirty-eight years. In 1990, she moved the business from London to Oxford, where she has lived and taken an active role in local affairs.

In Oxfordshire, Jane has served as Chair of Governors of the School of St Helen and St Katherine in Abingdon, as a Governor of several other local schools, and as a Trustee of Vale House, which is a Care Home for those with dementia.  Additionally, Jane has served as High Sheriff of Oxfordshire (2017–18). She is Chair of the independent Oxfordshire Homeless Movement and Chair of Youth Challenge Oxfordshire (YoCO). 

Jane lives in Besselsleigh. She is Chair of the award-winning Appleton Community Shop, Churchwarden at St Laurence, Appleton with Besselsleigh’s parish church, and the Chair of Besselsleigh’s Parish Meeting.


Robert Buckeldee


Moira Darlington